Lego King 3
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April 6th, 2008

Lego King 3

I went with the grey beard on the skeleton in the last panel, instead of the white one, because I thought white would get lost against the bones. Now I think the grey gets lost against the walls. Here I am thinking that making comics with Lego is going to be easier!

I was lucky enough to get to the Lego store at Disney at the end of November and got my photo taken with a Lego Dragon.


4 Awesomes Comments!

  1. Jai

    If it’s any consolation, I thought the bearded skeleton joke was great. I don’t know if that’s actually a consolation, since people say I think terrible things are good.

    Nice hat!

  2. Stanley Lui

    You know, I did think at first the beard was a hole in the skeleton, and that maybe he was saying the skeleton was so old it was rotting. Then I got closer to the monitor and realized it was a beard.

  3. admin

    Thanks Stanley, for the comments and for coming to the con. It was great to meet you and I hope you’re happy with your print!

  4. Emma

    I saw the beard first try.