Shadows of Dooooom! – part 1
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March 7th, 2010

Shadows of Dooooom! – part 1

New things!

TX Comics has a new look and we’ve added a store where you’ll soon be able to get some Princess Planet prints. Hoorays!

Also: This is the first comic in a new story arc  featuring your favourite princesses on the most epic quest I’ve concocted yet. It’s around 35 weeks long, taking up more than half the year to tell. I hope you’ll stick with me for the ride. This week we get to see what commenter KNO 3 asked for, the magic mall. Buy your power ups and healing potions if you got the spare coin! You may need them for the big boss battle!

6 Awesomes Comments!

  1. KNO3


  2. ChesterCopperpot

    I’m so excited to have 35 weeks of Princesses! This is by far one of my favorite comics. The wit is fantastic. I groan at the puns, only because you’re supposed to (secretly I’m jealous I didn’t think of it first). Keep up the great work.

  3. Ribusprissin

    I like the lower buffer panel, is that new? Although Boo looks a little too sinister.

  4. admin

    KNO3 – You’re welcome! We’ll be in the mall for a few more weeks still!

    Chester – Thanks a lot! I hope my princessian banter will live up to your expectations.

    Ribuprissin – Thanks and yes it is new, to go with the new look og the TX site. Boo has a dark side. It comes from fighting the undead all the time I think. Or maybe that’s why she fights the undead… because it reminds her of the dark aspects of herself. Or maybe I just watched too much Buffy.

  5. shaeffer

    it’s MALLGIC! XD

  6. Steve

    Are those faces in the walls or just flecks?