Writer's Blockhead
I came up with Dr. Agony after I came up with Dr. Acula which I was totally late in the game coming up with. It was mentioned as a rejected screenplay in the Ed Wood movie and Mitch Hedberg had a joke about it too. I hope I don’t find out Dr. Agony was in one of Tim Burton’s other movies. After Sleepy Hollow I’ve given up on Burton. Maybe I had too many goth friends in college and I feel over exposed to that esthetic? Or maybe it’s his retelling of the same story of a misundestood outsider? Or maybe it’s his movies insulting my intelligence? (Although I have the opposite problem with a lot of Alan Moore: him assuming I’m way smarter than I am 😛 ). I think the only one I could watch again is BettleJuice.
More importantly, I’m glad I decided to redecorate Christi’s room as purple. My studio’s walls are purple and I find it a nice mixture of calming and energizing.
February 7th, 2010 at 12:47 am
“To begin, draw an Ess. … Next, we’ll draw a more different Ess.” –My first thought before the pun set in.
February 7th, 2010 at 5:45 am
Christi lives in a dungeon? Is this in her parents’ castle? And what ever happened to her two servants?
February 7th, 2010 at 7:34 am
River – Strongbad is good company to be in! I love that cartoon a fire-breathing monstertruck-load.
Ribuprissin – It’s a purple stone room in her parent’s castle. You don’t get computers and curtains and lamps in a dungeon. Just chain, portculis and slime. Her servants are still in another wing working on the latest magazines, Eleventeen, Cosmospolitan and Owl (because everyone should have a subscription to Owl!)
February 7th, 2010 at 9:33 am
Owl is the bomb, but why the hate on sleepy hollow? I would’ve thought you’d be all over D&D style adventure (albeit more Ravenloft-y, mid-90s type stuff).
Also: Count Chalkula, the teacher vampire? He turns people into outlines!
February 7th, 2010 at 10:10 am
I know this is set in ancient space times, so is she using a NeXT or an Amiga?
Oh, & a tiny bit of trivia: Akula (акула) is Russian for shark.
(also, last week’s story about metal-head murals was a riot, but I only saw it to-day)
February 7th, 2010 at 12:02 pm
I love her ancient computer.
February 7th, 2010 at 3:16 pm
Fire in the Dust – It was the terrible formulaic “we found evil symbols, she’s an evil witch” knee jerk stuff. Just boring. It’s like Wolf. It’s only a surprise if you’ve never seen a werewolf/witch movie before in your life. But Count Chalkula is hilarious! High fives!
Dread Pirate Neck Beard – I think it’s something crossed between an Intellivision, a Texas Instruments, a Speak and Spell and top of line LCD. Akula reminds me of Akuma/Kuma, my favourite two in Tekken: Devil/Bear
Pilot – her ancient computer is blushing
May 23rd, 2010 at 8:37 am
DRAGONY and his stalwart sidekick, DRESS.
June 14th, 2011 at 6:12 pm
You should do a Mr. E
August 15th, 2011 at 11:09 pm
Re: Dracula. Acula is Russian for “shark”! So it has that going for it.
August 15th, 2011 at 11:11 pm
…Wait, that was already mentioned here. How do I read words again? I seem to have forgotten.
May 13th, 2014 at 12:59 am
The Blonde One: As in “Mystery”, or “MRE”? Although I suppose there is a lot of mystery in what goes into an MRE.