Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas cards

Seriously, before Halloween I saw Christmas decorations up in my local mall. That boundry has been broken! But for those of you who are into getting ready for the holidays ahead of time, I’ve got a small store open at Cafe Press that sells holiday cards. Today I added a couple Hanukkah cards to my available options because, really, there are not many out there. This one I actually did some research on what an ancient Israeli lamp and traditional garb would look like.


The gag line is: The real miracle of Hanukkah is that they spent 8 days with family!

I also have my Christmas card from last year that was well liked enough that I had requests to start the shop, although last year it was too late to get them before January.


So if you’re looking for something a bit awesome to mail out to your loved ones this year, check ’em out!