Dreadlock Holmes
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January 14th, 2007

Dreadlock Holmes

My friend thought up a great zen like riddle. If Sherlock Holmes, the detective who is always right, found you committed a crime. Could Perry Mason, the lawyer who never loses a case, get you found not guilty?

8 Awesomes Comments!

  1. DSil

    Do Sherlock Holmes villains even make it to trial? Don’t they usually end up falling off waterfalls or suchlike?

  2. BobL

    Matters if you actually did the crime. Since Holmes is always right, we’d have to assume you did, then sooner or later you’d stand up in the middle of the courtroom and announce that you did it.

  3. Mary Tee

    Well just cos you committed a crime doesn’t mean you can’t get away with it.

  4. PhilosopherZurg

    I don’t know much about PM, but if he’s a great lawyer, surely he could get you off on a technicality of some sort?
    As for SH, it’s been known to be the case that he has proved to his own satisfaction that someone is guilty, but it’s never made it to court, because of fear of scandal, relatives in denial, or insufficient evidence.
    I think that answers it?

  5. Toner

    Sherlock holmes can deduct you must have done it, but any worthwhile lawyer can create reasonable doubt. Just have em go existential on the court

  6. BMunro

    Oy. Sorry to necromance this, but it’s annoying when people miss the point. (Awesome archive of toon fun, Brian.)

    The odd thing about Perry Mason is not that he wins his cases: it is that he never takes on a client that is actually guilty of anything serious. It’s always about proving the client’s actual innocence, rather than baffling the jury with BS.

    Since when Holmes fingers a man (or, more rarely, woman) they are sure to be guilty, and Perry Mason never takes on a guilty client, Perry Mason will never defend someone found guilty by Holmes. QED.

  7. Aethermancer Omega

    Make the lawyer Phoenix Wright, and you’ve got a deal.

  8. Steve

    Simply based off of the two facts, I think it is obvious that you could be proven not guilty assuming that Mason actually took the case. Even if he is always right, Sherlock is still able to fail to prove it to lesser minds.