Do Not Enter
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December 10th, 2006

Do Not Enter

I always wonder how evil wizards get out of their lairs, passed all those death traps they’ve laid. Oh yeah… magic!

4 Awesomes Comments!

  1. Grapestain


  2. admin

    Whatever. The mistake is in the passed. 😛

  3. The Webcomic Overlook #73: The Princess Planet « The Webcomic Overlook

    […] story, “The Princess and the Pea.” The Princess Planet also takes a swipe a several typical fantasy cliches, but McLachlan makes sure not to take it too far. In one of his blog posts, he mentions that he […]

  4. Paul

    LOVE your Comic! They disproved this quite conveniently on Myth-busters.

    God, Hour 2 and still got 4 years to go:P Might just order the print.