Mirror 8
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August 13th, 2006

Mirror 8

It’s good to see that that goth girl is still in a relationsip with Draculove. It’s nice to know it’s working out.

5 Awesomes Comments!

  1. DSil

    What about the cute ninjas?

  2. aeonsama

    Let her wear orange if she can’t have a ninja.

  3. Klaske

    Man, he didn’t even show the whale-maiden. These mirrors are such specieists.

  4. The Blonde One

    I’ve decided she’s my second favourite character so far. First comes the 70’s guy. No one beats that… yet. 🙂

  5. admin

    Klaske – Whale-maiden?

    Blonde One – Now you’re making me think ’70s guys and ’70s girl (Farrah) might be brother and sister. Or at least from the same kingdom.